Administrative Support

Administrative Support

Hi, I am Data Entry/Data Processing Expert who knows the value of time, very hard working and always delivers the work on time. My Motive is to make my employer happy without adding additional charges.    

Expert in a Particular Subject: ! Data Entry ! Web Research ! LinkedIn Leads Collection ! Web Scrapping ! Microsoft Office ! E-Commerce Product Listing and Inventory Handling. 

As I mentioned, I am a full time data entry officer. Some of my works throughout my 5 years of experience are given below : -
'Oklahoma, U.S. Naturalization Records 1889-1991',
'Massachusetts, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963', 'France, BMDs 1796-1911', 'Haiti Civil Registration Project', 'Yvelines, France Censuses 1836_1911', etc. And in many other projects. Why you offer us: Fast and accurate service. 
Unlimited revision.
Fast response( 24 hours online). Team-wise work. Money back guarantee. Have a good day Utpal Chowdhury